Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tips for getting rid of Lice

So my step daughter has beautiful thick hair that is a lice magnet!  She recently switched schools we weren't too happy with switching but we had to due to moving out of district of her old school.  Being at her old/new school for one week and she was infested with lice again!  It is like the school doesn't check the kids hair at all.  Every since then I have treated her hair again and again and again!  So here are some of my attempts and tricks I have gotten off the Internet and I will post recaps to let you know what worked and didn't.

First tip
Yes Listerine!!! Leave it in for about 2 hours but you must saturate the head then wash it out in the shower. Then take Selsun blue and saturate head with that and leave it in for about a half hour once again rinse hair out in the shower. I bought lice combs with a magnifying glass and went threw each strand of hair. Wash all bed linens, hats buy new brushes etc. . After spending hundreds of dollars and endless amount if time on her hair this is what worked and haven't had a problem since. I would also recommend in a week or so later even if theirs no live lice to repeat the Listerine to ensure no new eggs hatch because one lice will put you back in the same problem . Also for extra precautions I changed our linens daily for about a week
Second tip
Saturate the head with cooking oil and cover head and leave over night then pour vinegar into shampoo and wash hair adding household salt to head and massage into hair with shampoo rub well add vinegar again before you wash hair then rinse then wash again then rinse again then put conditioner on wait a few seconds then rinse off the head lice fall off use hairdryer to dry hair then u can use a nit comb to comb hair through!

Third tip
I have 3 girls and have tried Everything from over the counter generic and name brands. Then I contacted their physician for help, No luck with the prescription, I was still pulling live bugs out. Found some suggestions, I saturated their hair in baby oil and went through with a detangle comb then lice come, when I was confident I had most of the bugs I mixed vinegar in with their shampoo (suave rosemary and mint) and let them sit for an hour. sectioned their hair into quarters and went through with the comb again. Hope this helps. they each have a different hair type, one has thin straight hair, the second has very thick curly hair and my third has fine curly hair ;) Also make sure to treat the floors beds pillows stuffed animals clothing sofas and car seats
Fourth tip
After two bouts of lice in our family, I have tried a fair amount of things. First of all, when I had lice the first time, obviously the first thing I did was go buy some lice shampoo from the store.( I know, embarrassing). I treated my hair according to the instructions and when I started to nit, I was pulling out LIVE bugs! I did a second and different store treatment and still I got live bugs. Yuck!!! Someone who had had lice told me about using mouthwash. I will probably never buy lice shampoo again. Mouthwash worked awesome! You soak your hair with the mouthwash ( make sure it is saturated) and then put on a shower cap. You may need to put a towel around your neck to stop some of the dripping. Let it sit in your hair for 2 hours. After that rinse out the mouthwash and then rinse your hair with vinegar to loosen the glue on the nits. After you rinse out the vinegar than use some conditioner as a final step. Conditioner just helps ease the nitting process. Now comes the processes of nitting. I used the lice comb called nit free, but it might have a different name now. I never saw a live bug when nitting after using this treatment. I faithfully nit everyday for at least 7 days. After 7 days you could do another treatment if you wanted, but I felt after that many days of nitting and not finding any nits in the last few days that I was probably OK. I have read about using mayo or oil, but did not want to try to get all of that oily stuff out of the hair. This ways only drawback is that you smell like mouthwash:). By the way I use the yellow Listerine. Actually the off brand works fine too. Besides the treatment I was very obsessive about vacuuming and washing. Furniture, bedding, clothing, coats, boiling combs and hair stuff, etc. Necessary? I wasn't asking any chances. From now on you will probably always see mouthwash in my bathroom closet and my nit comb. Oh, and by the way, the cashier at the store won't take a step back when you purchase mouthwash:)

Fifth tip
There are two really effective remedies that I have tried that both kill lice and nits and dissolve the glue that holds the nits on the hair shaft.
The first remedy is lemon juice and baking soda. The mixture foams up, but keep stirring and apply to hair. Leave on for a few hours and wash hair. This remedy also kills fleas on your pets. Nits are extremely easy to remove.

The second home remedy is mouthwash. Completely saturate the hair with mouthwash. Wrap hair in plastic wrap or use shower cap. Leave in hair for at least one hour. Wash hair. Mouthwash kills lice and nits. This is the best remedy that I have tried for nit removal. The nits fall apart when you touch them and are easily combed out with a lice comb.

Okay so as I try them I will tell you how they work!

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