Sunday, June 30, 2013

A child's prayer

I will get on my soap box.....

I absolutely hate when someone hurts a child!  Whether it is a mother or father that abuses them physically, mentally, emotionally, or someone that kills them!  A child is a precious gift from God, we as parents are responsible for these little minds to shape and mold them into what we think and hope would be a loving and caring adult. 

Examples are through out history of "parents" who think more of their self than the welfare of their children....Susan Smith, Casey Anthony, and now a new lady in the news that was mad that her son who was 3 years old stole a piece of gum without permission.  He was slammed up against the wall she claims by her boyfriend but she didn't take him to the hospital. 

So after looking at my infant son I wanted to say a prayer for all those innocent little faces that see rage from the one's that suppose to love them.

Dear Lord
Bless those little eyes
Bless those little hearts
That they may never know
That pain Satan causes

May they only see warmth
May they only know love
That a mother and father
should give.

Never seeing violence
Never seeing sadness
Never meeting their fate
from those they trust

Lord you know all those little tiny hearts that are hurt each day.  I pray Lord that they feel no pain, that they don't see the slap coming anymore, they don't tremble with fear afraid what have they done this time to be hurt again, that they don't have to hide from the monsters not under their bed but that are down the hall, that they don't hear the words that make them cry, they don't ever feel alone and abandon even with a house full of people. 

Thank you for my Maddox I am so blessed to have a little man, I know he is a gift from you and he means the world to me.  I only pray that every child feels the love that Maddox has, a whole family that adores him!   I could never imagine hurting him in any way and I pray for those parents who do!

In your precious name Jesus


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