Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some of my organizing tips

Because Josh doesn't work at a company that he gets paid a lot I have to create ways to be crafty and organize our home using things we already have, things we purchase at the thrift store, or ideas that I see on pinterest.  Here are a few things I have used...

Cereal boxes are your friends you can cut them to as deep as your drawers painting them before storing your makeup, silverware, anything you have to put in the drawer.  You can cut them in any shape you need to fit.  Cost only what you paid for the paint.  You can also cut them to make magazine holders copying the design of the ones you see at the department store and then paint to match your desk.

Cans that you use for dinner.  I don't save every one but if I need one for a project I will.  You can use tuna cans as a paperclip holder for your desk and vegetable can for your pens.  Sterilizing first before you use.  I use a white vinegar and water mixture (half and half) but it won't take much just poor maybe three tablespoons in the vegetable cans of vinegar and about one in the tuna if smell is still present use another spoon full.  You can also use cans as seed starters for your garden. 

Toilet paper rolls.....I get grief on this one because who saves those?  I do and apparently it is catching on there are so many things you can use them for; art work, cord organizers, and seed starters just to name a few. I will talk about the cord organizers first, unused drop cords and anything with a cord fold it up and place in a toilet paper roll to keep in place.  You can also use paper towel rolls if need something longer.  Art work is creative and your imagination.  I am about to start my toilet paper art work and I am excited it is just one the projects I have going on.  The beauty of toilet paper seed starters they are biodegradable so you don't have to worry about them hurting the environment!

Egg cartons....there are two types you can save for different reasons,  The cardboard ones are good for seed starters as well.  The Styrofoam ones are good for storing earrings and rings in your jewelry boxes or drawer.  The Styrofoam are easier to paint.

Aluminum can tabs...Well I try to keep a lot of these because they are use for a lot of things.  First thing I keep them for is to hang pictures that the pieces has broken off on the back.  Second is you can put them on your hangers to keep outfits together.  You can also make jewelry out of them by placing ribbon through the one side and then through the other.  (I will give instructions in later blog)

So now you have some ideas for everyday household items that can help organize your home. 

What about thrift store rule of thumb is always buy organizational items you see at the thrift store if you positively can use it!  For instance don't buy a magazine holder if you truly don't need it. 

Another rule of thumb for thrift store shopping is always think before you put an item back, that item may be useful with some hooks or new hardware.  For example over the door organizers never come with the hooks at the thrift store and if they do your lucky.  So I will still buy them because you can get the hooks (hooks that will work) at any hardware store. 

I will post more about thrift store shopping in a later post giving you all the tips I use!  

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