Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Christian world

I am by far the perfect Christian in fact I still get irritated and lash out at people I love, I have road rage, I let those bad words your not suppose to say occasionally, I am not always the best role model I can be.  What separates me from others is I know this about me I don't try to put myself as the perfect Christian in front of people and in reality I am far from it.  You get me flaws and all when you become my friend!

So what exactly do I believe in?  Some might say that is a loaded question, there are so many things to believe in to just pick a few is hard to do.  For instance I believe in love at first sight.  No not the in love that you base marriages on I am talking about loving someone based on just meeting them.  I also believe in treating animals with respect,  okay not spiders and creepy crawly things, but I will say this even the creepiest has a purpose in this world.  I also believe if you hurt a child you deserve to be hurt!  Sorry but that is just one thing I can not turn the other cheek on. 

Religiously I believe there is a God and I believe he sent his son Jesus here on Earth by way of Mary giving birth to him to die on a cross for us so that we may have eternal life in Heaven!  I believe in the ten commandments and I believe we should abide by them to the best of our ability!

The church I go to has a pastor and a back up pastor (one that is more or less training) I like his messages and on Sunday he spoke a message I never really thought of before.  He asked us all "Who is afraid of the dark?"  Only two people raised their hands.  He said you all should be because in the dark you can't see what your doing.  As a Christian not seeing where your going isn't good.  We need to always see where we are going.  We need the Sun (Son) to light our way to ensure we make the right decisions. 

As long s I strive to be the best Christian I can be I believe God is pleased with me, maybe not the kind of pleased that we think of but I think the kind that he is pleased I am doing my best and trying to show others Christianity isn't just a name it's a way of life/


Well that is very simple you must

1,  Accept Christ into your life

2.  Let the past stay in the past

3.  Pray, talk to God as if he is a friend telling him what you think and what upsets you etc.  Pray for others pray for the government the world basically anything that would affect you

4,  Read the word of God, the Bible is a book showing that people have been through what we are before

5.  Join a church, a church is a united front that fights the world together so to speak!

6.  This one is important.....learn to love yourself!

7.  Surround yourself with positive people that will support your life as a Christian

8.  Remember you will be hated by non-Christians and there is nothing you can do about it, it is a fact of life but you have other Christians to have your back and most important God!

Remembering all these things will have you being the best Christian you can be!


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