Thursday, June 20, 2013

A coupon book for any occassion

About two years ago or maybe three actually I didn't know what to get my stepson for Christmas I wanted to get something special for him but lack of money meant it would have to be homemade!

So what do you get a boy.....more importantly a boy that isn't your son biologically.......and your trying to impress because if you impress the kids the dad will appreciate it! 

I came up with a coupon book.

At this time he was living with us and I wanted to make it special!  You can make this for any holiday a birthday or just because.  You can put anything on it that makes it special for your kids or spouse, (yes you can make one for spouse just make it about dates and alone time instead of movie night and ice cream).

Examples of my coupon book are:

Good for one meal that you chose depending on if ingredients are available.

Good for one hookie day from school However, can not use during test day or when project is due...(I am blessed to say the kids never used this one)

Good for one dessert after dinner of your choice depending on if ingredients are available

Good for one movie of choice on movie night

Good for one game board or card on family night of your choice

Good for one free day if grounded

Good for one lazy day can only use if nothing was preplanned

****Note the reason you put the ingredients available is because if your kids are like mine when your about to cook dinner is when they will use the coupon and your pantry will be missing ingredients that you need therefore if they give you warning then you can plan and purchase if needed.

Also I am sure that many mothers won't include the hookie day but the way I see it we all get burned out on a routine that is never ending so it lets them just have fun one day when they should be in school so they can go back recharged and hopefully more attentive!

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