Sunday, June 16, 2013

A New Begining

I decided to write another blog, being inspired by friends that have so much going on and still seem to do a blog very successfully.  I thought why couldn't I write a blog about being a new mommy.  I have always loved writing even as a kid, I would write in my journal or back then (in the old days) it was called a diary.  It was fun for me to write what all happened in my life each day.  Over the years I got lazy and would often miss days at a time. 

I recently found out I get my love of writing my thoughts and ideas from my mother.  She has kept a journal for years that she jots in every night, writing about the weather, if something happened with someone she loved, and anything else she wants to remember.  Writing, singing, and playing instruments is in my family heritage but I only seemed to got the writing gene. 

I am very excited about this new blog, I want Maddox to look back on it and realize that his mommy loved him and wrote about him often.  So with having said all that lets get started!

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