Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tips for getting rid of Ants

Not only do we have lice we have ants too lol.  Our new home is in my opinion a very beautiful home with great potential to be more beautiful just one problem ANTS!!!  Ugh I hate any critter that crawls and I hate having them, so I did some research on how to get rid of them.  Hours of research I found a website that actually made sense so here it goes.

How to get rid of ants

Clean your house
This first step is to clean the area of your home that the ants have taken over. Wipe everything down with soap and water or your favorite cleaning solution. Cleaning will help get up anything that might be attracting the ants to your home. If you discovered ants in your kitchen cabinet, pull everything out and clean thoroughly.

White Vinegar
If you want to get rid of ants in your home and don't have time to clean, white vinegar works wonders fast and effectively. Simply spread the white vinegar in the area affected by ants. This may include kitchen cabinets, shelves, corners etc. Ants will be gone within minutes of using white vinegar which has been a home remedy for killing ants for years. You can also wipe down everything with the vinegar to get rid of those little pests.

Cinnamon Powder
Another home remedy for killing ants is cinnamon powder. Sprinkle cinnamon powder on the trail the ants follow. The ants will follow the trail of powder and should never return.

Ants do not like the taste of cucumbers that makes this the perfect way to rid your home of ants. Place sliced cucumbers in the infected area. This will force the ants to leave because the taste is not very appealing to ants.

Table Salt
Your kitchen already has the home remedy to get rid of ants so why not put it to good use. Table salt mixed with boiling water and sprayed in corners of your home is an excellent way to rid your home of ants.

Dried Mint Leaves
Dried mint leaves are an effective way to get rid of ants in your home. Crush up the mint leaves and spread in the areas you have seen ants. If you don't have in dried mint leaves, you can use mint tea bags instead.

Borax or Soapy Water
Borax mixed with a sugar solution and sprayed in kitchen cabinets, closets, corners, etc is effective in killing ants and other small insects that invade your home. You can also sprinkle borax without the sugar solution to kill ants instantly. If you don't have borax, mix soap and water and spray directly on the ants or in the affected areas.

If you have used all the home remedies for getting rid of ants and they are still a problem call an exterminator.

There is one that they didn't mention I have always heard of drawing a line in chalk at the windows and doors and they will not cross it!  From experience at our other house they will not cross it however the only problem I found is if they want in they will find a way in even if it means crawling where there isn't chalk to get in but they will not crawl through it!  So I guess drawing a line pretty high up will outsmart them.  By the way that was for black ants our ants now are small fire ants. 

What has worked has been Cheyenne pepper and vinegar.  We haven't seen hardly any in our house now that we lined our step with Cheyenne pepper.  I also have used the vinegar by placing it in a spray bottle with equal parts water (makes a great cleaner but that is a different blog).  Spray on ant and watch them die!  I know gruesome but when they bite your foot a few times you become less tolerant for the critters!!!

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