Thursday, June 20, 2013

A-Z Journaling Ideas

This is a idea that I seen on Pinterest and put my own spin on it.  These are ideas to journal from A-Z each day using a letter of the alphabet and writing about it!  Here is my own personal list

A- Austin is my step son so A is for him.  I would write about him, his likes, his dislikes, when he was born, his earliest memory.  To make it fun do it like an interview as if he was famous!

B- Brian is my stepdad I would write about him so that my son Maddox would have that so he would know about his step pawpaw!  He won't call him step pawpaw just plain ol pawpaw but because he is my step dad I would say step on the interview because I plan on doing one for my real father that died in 2007

C- I could interview myself because ultimately all of this would be for Maddox to read and I would love to leave something behind from my prospective but if I chose to not use myself I would choose Camaro because that is my favorite car! 

D- I would chose from a couple of things What makes a daddy?  I could also use the subject Death because many people death scares them I could also use this to introduce Heaven and God.

E-  I could use Elephants, Egypt, or mostly anything that starts with an E.

F-  France, what makes a friend,

G- God  and Great Grandma

H- Hospitals

I- Italy

J- Josh

K- My mom Katherine

L- Love

M- Maddox himself

N- nesting

O- old vs young


Q- Quebec

R- Railroad and trains

S- Miranda because she is his sister

T- time or

U- Ukraine

V- my dad Victor

W- water as in beaches

X- x rays



I will most likely change some of these depending on what is happening in my life but that is a sample remember my son is only 2 months old so all of these topics are new for him.

*** Note you could also take pictures of objects that look like the alphabet and then journal about that object.  For instance a tire swing might look like a Q or O then you could write about a tire swing and how you enjoyed it as a child. 

You could also use different places to show shapes and journal about the different places

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