Thursday, June 20, 2013

8 Tips for organzing your home

Organizing your home is the hardest thing to possibly do especially with kids!  I find it almost impossible.  Before kids I had a house where I knew where everything was.  I had a craft/office, a bedroom with a closet to die for (okay not really die for but I had the organization going on) and a kitchen and living room that had things where they were suppose to go, movies and books were was just beautiful! 

Now that we have moved into a new house boxes everywhere and thanks to people helping there are things for the kitchen in things for the bathroom.  ( how to pack successfully is for another blog) Having a newborn doesn't help the situation but I will manage.  So again I went in search of how to organize my home, here is what I found....
***Note some of my thoughts are included***

1.   Throw away junk mail.
Throw away junk mail immediately. People get into a clutter problem when they don't sort their mail right away. Invest in an office paper shredder. This machine will help you destroy unwanted credit card applications efficiently.  Personally they make great bon fire starters.

2.   Get a bookcase and alphabetize it.
If you don't have a bookcase, then get one. Bookcases stores books and conveniently get them out of your way. They also give the room character. Organize books by genre, for instance, mystery books on one shelf and religious books on another shelf. Alphabetize books by author or title.  I have also labeled the shelves of what kind of books they have on it.  That way if one of the kids needs a specific book they will know what shelf it is on.

 3. Get a filing cabinet or an expanding file folder.
If you buy a file cabinet place it in your home office. Organize bills and policies alphabetically, for instance, place insurance papers under "I". If you don't have the space for a file cabinet or can't afford one, then buy an expanding file folder with the alphabet on the tabs. Organize your policies and bills the same way as you would a filing cabinet.  I have several of these the hardest part is remembering to put the papers in it!!!

4.  Make a schedule.
Schedule everything, for example, schedule cleaning times for bathrooms, living room, and dining room. Use a wall calendar or the calendar in Microsoft Outlook to keep up with your schedule.  (I will post a sample schedule in a later blog it will be the one I use)

5.  Have a yard sale.
Having a yard sale is perfect for people who have a lot of left over baby clothes. A yard sale is also perfect for getting rid of big items like sofas, mattresses, and old televisions.  I don't know about you I don't have time for this but if it means extra money I will make the time!  (I will post a later blog about making a yard sell successful!)

6.  Donate items.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of a yard sale, donate your items to Goodwill, Salvation Army, a homeless shelter, or a local church. It might be junk and unnecessary clutter to you, but it could be a saving grace to someone else.  I love donating to Goodwill and Hospice.  I know my possessions are going to a good cause....Now I have to remember not to purchase them again when I shop there!

7.  Think before buying something new.
There's no point in getting organized and throwing out unnecessary clutter if you're just going to mess up again by buying more stuff. If you don't need it, then don't buy it even if it's on sale.  Preaching to the choir here!!!  I buy what I think I need not what I need for sure!  That will be my late new years resolution!

8.  Go through kitchen cabinets.
Schedule a time to go through kitchen cabinets. Check expiration dates. Line up can goods with the label of the contents facing out. Group like can goods together. Take this time to assess glasses and plates. If you haven't used certain ones in a year, then get rid of them. If you have too many dishes for your household capacity, get rid of them as well.
By following these tips your home should be more organized and comfortable to live in. An organized home leads to an organized mind.  I will say I already do most of this I always group like items together it makes grocery shopping easier!

So now I have the list and personalized I hope anyone reading this will enjoy it too!

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