Monday, August 26, 2019

1st day of 1st grade

I am a homeschooling mom, I know what your going to say.  What about socializing, what about making friends?  He has friends, he socializes just fine and school is going great.  The hardest part is the curriculum.  It is time consuming, expensive, and you always second guess yourself if you're doing it right. 

I tried homeschooling last year, he was in kindergarten.  We were newbies and thinking we knew everything about how to do it.  Only we didn't know anything.  I had plenty of workbooks and ideas, researched on Pinterest, everything you think you should do but when it came time to do the actual work I was oblivious on how to do it.  To be honest I still am.

The day started with breakfast and saying the pledge of allegiance.  My favorite starter workbook is Breakfast Bites from the Dollar Store.  We then begin our bible study workbook.  Today's lesson was on Noah's Arc.  Another lesson from a new workbook about Nouns, this workbook came from Wal-Mart. 

During that lesson I received a call that I will never forget.  My cousin was killed in a car wreck.  He was hit by a driver that ran a stop sign.  My cousin drove a Jeep Renegade, they have no doors.  He was thrown from his jeep.  They flew in a helicopter but canceled it before it got there.  He died on scene.  I can't believe he is gone.  But now I have to focus on the rest of the school day. 

We did a math worksheet working on adding small numbers.  He breezed through it, making it clear that math will most definitely his best subject. We then practiced writing lower case letters on a dry erase poster board that looks like notebook paper.  This is something we will have to practice.

We had lunch and school was over for the day.  I literally couldn't take it anymore I needed to cry.

s 's

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